
Monday, January 12, 2015


Hello Everyone!!!!

This week...was...interesting :) 

So, first off....WE ARE FULL-TIME BIKE!!! WOOP WOOP!!!! An Elder in the mission broke his foot, so they decided our area would be fine for bike. I LOVE IT!!! You can talk to so many people and exercise and enjoy the outdoors and everything! The first day I wanted to hurt someone because I hated it so much. My bag is SO HEAVY, I feel stupid in a helmet, my body hurt, and Sister Bills can barely ride a bike. BUT, that is all okay now :) She is struggling lots on the bike. She has already crashed twice and her bike is broken. She is borrowing someone's. She is struggling with it. Bike is taking lots of patience because she is so slow!!! But it is good for me to learn haha. It really is a tender mercy from Heavenly Father because you don't have to talk to your companion on bike because they follow behind you :) In the car, it can get awkward not talking hahaha. The first night after biking, I really did hate it. I was thinking about the pioneers crossing the plains. They went through WAY MORE than I can even imagine. I always wonder if I would have been one of the strong ones crossing the plains or one left behind. That helped me have the drive to keep pushing on. And now, I do not want to go back to car! Hopefully Sister Bills starts liking it better.

I had a "Come to Jesus" moment this week. I was really struggling, but I read a few talks that really helped me. Also, a verse really helped me. It is Doctrine and Covenants 121: 7-9: "...peace be unto thy soul: thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then, if those endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes." 
So basically, this 12 weeks will be but a "small moment." I have to "endure it well." And then it will be over!!! I need to just learn to "become." I was doing well, then I sort of gave up trying with her. It is in the open we don't like each other. I feel like I am the only one trying. Whatever, I will just keep doing what I know how to do and pray my little heart out for love for her. 

So....for a miracle this week. I am not sure if I have said anything about Tim and Robyn. There was one night Sister Garrido and I were driving to dinner, and we passed a couple on the street, with their daughter. I felt a little prompting to talk to them, but I kept driving. We got lost and ended up circling back around, and there they were. I felt again that we should talk to them. I said, "Sister Garrido, I am pulling over and we are going to walk up to them and talk to them." We hop out of the car and talk to them. The Spirit was there. We had set up a return appointment. Robyn said she felt something the moment she met us. This was the end of November. So, we taught them on and off for the last several weeks. They aren't married, but were engaged. It got to the point where their relationship issues were getting in the way of them progressing spiritually. Right when Sister Bills got here, we went over and the lesson was very powerful. The Spirit was so strong. That night, Robyn left Tim. She took her daughter and left in the night. Tim was devastated. However, he had been moving forward spiritually and she was holding him back. I firmly believe that this is Heavenly Father's plan. It is too weird she left the night of our powerful lesson with them. I think she felt prompted to leave. Tim went into a dark place for a couple days, but then he remembered his faith. He has been doing incredible!!! He called me last week and said, "Miss Hickman, I am getting baptized. You have changed my life. I know God sent you to me." Haha is is from the south and calls me Miss Hickman. I told him that God prompted me to meet you for a reason, and I know this is what He wants for you. Tim is getting baptized January 31st!! What a miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We literally just found him on the street! What was holding them back was their relationship, so I knew if they ever got baptized, it would be a while because of that. Tim is progressing so well, and he feels his life completely changing. It has been an incredible experience to be apart of. Heavenly Father loves Tim so much, and I feel that love everytime I teach him.

This week has been full of ups and downs. The work really is going so well :) That is what is keeping me sane, and it is what keeps me going!!!! I know this gospel changes lives. I see it everyday. What a privilege that is!

Thanks for all the support you all have given me :)

Sister Hickman 

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